EU Countries Agree on New Data Bill to Curb Power of Big Tech Companies

The European Union (EU) has agreed on a new data bill that will give individuals and businesses more control over their data generated by smart gadgets and other consumer products. The bill called the Data Act, is also designed to curb the power of large technology companies, such as Google and Amazon.

The Data Act is the latest in a series of moves by the EU to regulate Big Tech. In recent years, the EU has passed laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA). These laws have been designed to protect consumers’ privacy and give them more control over their data.

The Data Act is expected to come into force in 2024. Once it is in effect, it will require companies that collect data from smart devices and other consumer products to give users more control over how their data is used. For example, users will be able to request that companies delete their data or stop using it for certain purposes.

The Data Act will also require companies to make it easier for users to transfer their data from one company to another. This will make it easier for users to switch between different services without having to lose their data.

How the Data Act Will Curb the Power of Big Tech

The Data Act is also designed to curb the power of large technology companies. One way it will do this is by requiring companies to share data. This will make it more difficult for companies to lock users into their ecosystems.

For example, if you use a smart speaker from Amazon, you will only be able to access the data generated by that speaker if you use Amazon’s other services, such as Amazon Music and Amazon Prime Video. Under the Data Act, Amazon would be required to share that data with other companies, such as Google and Apple. This would make it easier for you to use your smart speaker with other services, and it would give you more control over your data.

The Data Act will also require companies to give users more control over how their data is used for advertising purposes. This will make it more difficult for companies to track users across different websites and apps.

Thoughts on the Data Act

The Data Act is a significant step forward in the fight to protect consumers’ privacy and curb the power of Big Tech. The bill gives users more control over their data and makes it more difficult for companies to track them.

The Data Act is not perfect. For example, it does not address the issue of data harvesting by social media companies. However, it is a step in the right direction, and it is a welcome development.


The Data Act is a significant piece of legislation that will have a major impact on the way that data is collected and used by companies. The bill gives users more control over their data and makes it more difficult for companies to track them. This is a positive development for consumers, and it is a step in the right direction for privacy protection.

About the Author:

I am Jhonathan, a Tech Social Media and SEO expert with over 2 years of experience. I have worked with plenty of companies in the crypto industry, and I am passionate about helping the industry grow and thrive.

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